Can I Use a Bitcoin Debit Card to Make Purchases in Physical Stores?

Bitcoin debit cards are a great way to use your cryptocurrencies in the real world. These cards are issued in association with major credit card services, usually Visa, and can be used online or at stores where the main credit card is accepted. With every transaction, the cryptocurrency you own is automatically converted to the government-issued currency that the retailer accepts, such as the US dollar. Cryptographic debit cards work similarly to regular debit cards, except that they allow you to spend bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.

This means that you don't have to carry your entire wallet full of different types of cash or credit cards, but can keep your crypto debit card without worrying about whether the merchant accepts cryptocurrency. Plus, opting for a crypto card instead of a traditional rewards credit card means forgoing cash, travel, or other potential benefits. In the third quarter of this year, you will also find a cryptographic card that will allow you to spend bitcoins or hundreds more cryptocurrencies on whatever you want, and all this at the lowest rates in the market. For more convenience, you can also opt for a cryptographic debit card that converts your bitcoins into fiat currencies and allows you to spend bitcoins anywhere debit cards are accepted. Two other crypto debit cards to consider are the Binance Visa card and the recently announced Robinhood Cash card. The best thing to do when using a cryptographic debit card is to always keep track of where and how much money has been spent so that there are no surprises later on when they are charged additional fees due to fraudulent activities. In addition to keeping track of the amount of money you spend, some banks track how often you use your crypto debit card and the exact place in the world where these transactions take place.

If a bank knows that someone is using your crypto debit card frequently in a specific place, it could flag it as suspicious activity and block future purchases from your account there. For added convenience, you can also buy a gift card for Netflix or Prime through a Bitcoin gift card site like Bitrefill or CoinGate. Bitcoin debit cards or crypto cards allow you to buy with bitcoin almost anywhere card payments are accepted.

Bernt Thomsen
Bernt Thomsen

Hipster-friendly travel enthusiast. Certified coffee lover. Wannabe beer evangelist. Evil music specialist. Wannabe tea expert.